ONE PIECE Every Day – Chapter 33

One Piece Every Day is a column where I read a chapter of One Piece every single day—more or less—and discuss my thoughts on it. Each entry will have spoilers up to the chapter covered in that day’s column.

Please keep in mind that many other readers are also first-timers. Do NOT spoil anything beyond this point in the comments!

Today, Captain Kuro joins the fray directly. He is not happy about the dillydallying his former crew have been engaging in. That is to say; he really thinks they should’ve killed Luffy and friends by now.

Some of the Black Cat Pirates, namely the catboy brothers (whose actual name I have decided is irrelevant), don’t take kindly to this, and wonder if perhaps their former captain is only being so commandeering because he’s gone too soft in the past three years to finish his foes off himself. In the process, they make some fun faces.

But as it turns out, Kuro really is the monster heel the arc has hyped him up to be, and he’s not to be taken lightly. He instantly outmaneuvers the brothers, and threatens them pretty plainly.

What is the name of this masterful piece of footwork?

You will never guess.

No seriously, guess.


We also get an explanation for his weird habit of pushing up his glasses with the palm of his hand. Little details, people, they make the world go ’round.

Feeling at least a bit merciful, he gives the catboy brothers five minutes to finish off Zolo. Instead, Nami tosses Zolo his swords, and he takes the two of them out with a single slash, in one of Oda’s full-page action panels. I quite like these.

But he really has no time to bask in the victory. Nami tries to wake Luffy up as well, only for Django to grow tired of her interference. He attacks her, and the chapter ends here, on that particular cliffhanger.

A cliffhanger to be resolved tomorrow, certainly.

I quite liked this chapter, although I’m not sure how well it showed. (I’m in a bit of a sour mood for unrelated reasons.) Interested to see what exactly Kuro brings to the table, fight scene-wise, with those big kitty claws of his.

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3 thoughts on “ONE PIECE Every Day – Chapter 33

  1. Pingback: One Piece Every Day Archive – The Magic Planet

  2. Oo, Captain Kuro! He’s a dastardly guy. The Catboy Brothers really weren’t too smart trying to double cross him. Yeah, I love the full page fight scenes too, they are very epic!

    Liked by 2 people

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